Analytical treatments, formulated to predict the rate of the bainite transformation, de ne autocatalysis as the growth of the subunits at the bainite-austenite interface. Furthermore, the role of the stress-free transformation strain is o en translated to a thermodynamic criterion that needs to be ful lled for the growth of the subunits. In the present work, an elastic phase-eld model, which elegantly recovers the sharp-interface relations, is employed to comprehensively explicate the e ect of the elastic energy on the evolution of the subunits. e primary nding of the current analysis is that the role of eigenstrains in the bainite transformation is apparently complicated to be directly quanti ed as the thermodynamic constraint. It is realized that the inhomogeneous stress state, induced by the growth of the primary subunit, renders a spatially dependent ill-and well-favored condition for the growth of the secondary subunits. A favorability contour, which encloses the sections that facilitate the elastically preferred growth, is postulated based on the elastic interaction. rough the numerical analyses, the enhanced growth of the subunits within the favorability-contour is veri ed. Current investigations show that the morphology and size of the elastically preferred region respectively changes and increases with the progressive growth of the subunits.