Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD) predicts that the small-x gluons in a hadron wavefunction should form a Color Glass Condensate (CGC), which has universal properties, which are the same for all hadrons or nuclei. Assuming this property, in this paper we cross relate the current CGC descriptions of the ep HERA data and dAu RHIC data. In particular, we use the quark dipole scattering amplitude recently proposed by Kharzeev, Kovchegov and Tuchin (KKT) to explain the high pT particle suppression observed in dAu collisions at RHIC in our calculations of the proton and longitudinal structure functions. We present a detailed comparison between this parameterization and those proposed to describe the ep HERA data. We find out that, due to its peculiar dependence on the energy and dipole separation, the KKT parameterization is able to describe the experimental ep data only in a limited kinematical range of photon virtualities.