“…This is intended to explore the positive contribution of the affective domain in the learning process. The scope of study of affective has begun to develop, not only examining attitudes but examining several aspects such as beliefs and emotional reactions (Ignacio et al, 2006), mathematical resilience (Hendriana et al, 2019;Johnston-Wilder et al, 2018;Johnston-Wilder et al, 2015;Kooken et al, 2013;Thornton et al, 2012), habits of mind (Costa & Kallick, 2008;Dwirahayu et al, 2017;Matsuura et al, 2013;Yellamraju et al, 2019), sociomathematical norm (Güven & Dede, 2017;Maarif et al, 2022;Sánchez & García, 2014;Yackel & Cobb, 1996;Zembat & Yasa, 2015), and so on. These affective aspects must be developed and optimized in teaching and learning activities, especially mathematics.…”