Punctuating ASR transcript has received increasing attention recently, and well-performing approaches were presented based on sequence-to-sequence modelling, exploiting textual (word and character) and/or acoustic-prosodic features. In this work we propose to consider character, word and prosody based features all at once to provide a robust and highly language independent platform for punctuation recovery, which can deal also well with highly agglutinating languages with less constrained word order. We demonstrate that using such a feature triplet improves ASR error robustness of punctuation in two quite differently organized languages, English and Hungarian. Moreover, in the highly agglutinating Hungarian, where word-based approaches suffer from the exploding vocabulary (poorer semantic representation through embeddings) and less constrained word order, we show that prosodic cues and the character-based model can powerfully counteract this loss of information. We also perform a deep analysis of punctuation w.r.t. both ASR errors and agglutination to explain the improvements we observed on a solid basis.