Abstract. In this short note, we prove that an almost umbilical compact hypersurface of a real space form with almost Codazzi umbilicity tensor is embedded, diffeomorphic and quasiisometric to a round sphere. Then, we derive a new characterization of geodesic spheres in space forms. Let (M n , g) be a connected and oriented compact Riemannian manifold isometrically immersed into the simply-connected real space form M n+1 (δ) of constant curvature δ. Let B be the second fundamental form of the hypersurface and H its mean curvature. Since we consider only hypersurfaces, we take B as the real-valued second fundamental form. We denote by τ = B − Hg the traceless part of the second fundamental form, also called umbilicity tensor. We say that M is totally umbilical if τ = 0.It is a well-known fact that a compact (without boundary) totally umbilical hypersurface of a simply connected real space form is a geodesic sphere. In the present note, we will investigate the natural question of the stability of this rigidity result. In other words, if a compact hypersurface of a real space form is almost umbilical, is this hypersurface close to a sphere? In what sense?Shiohama and Xu proved in [18,19] that if ||τ || n is small enough, then M n is homeomorphic to the sphere S n . Later on, we obtain quantitative results about the closeness of almost hypersurfaces to spheres in [6,16]. For instance, we prove in [16], always for hypersurfaces of 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53A42, 53C20, 53C21.