We prove an integration by parts formula for the probability measure induced by the semi-classical Riemmanian Brownian bridge over a manifold with a pole.
IntrodcutionLet M be a finite dimensional smooth connected complete and stochastically complete Riemannian manifold M whose Riemannian distance is denoted by r. By stochastic completeness we mean that its minimal heat kernel satisfies that p t (x, y)dy = 1. Denote by C([0, 1]; M ) the space of continuous curves: σ : [0, 1] → M , a Banach manifold modelled on the Wiener space. A chart containing a path σ is given by a tubular neighbourhood of σ and the coordinate map is induced from the exponential map given by the Levi-Civita connection on the underlying finite dimensional manifold. For x 0 , y 0 ∈ M we denote by C x0 M and C x0,y0 M , respectively, the based and the pinned space of continuous paths over M :