In a meeting with the head of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Northern Cape province, the honorable Mr. Viljone Mothibi, held in 2009, he said 'Netshipale you are perceiving agricultural initiatives by the state wrongly', which meant there were other perspectives to those initiatives. That arose the inquest in me to understand the other perspectives which I could not comprehend at my level of responsibility. The inquest was further instigated by the declaration made by an elderly beneficiary to a state official, that 'the underground is ours and beneficiaries have to relocate to the benefited land so I can be reinstated as their traditional leader'. Beneficiaries in land reform farms have nick named this official 'reduce your livestock herds' for enforcing adherence to carrying capacity. Hence, this PhD work was inspired by the pursuit of the colourful invisible colour of life and brought to fruition by the contributors. Hence, I invite you to travel with me on 'it has been, was and still is Land' so you can find out for yourself 'the journey, with symbols of change and change symbols in a mix'.