Environmental pollution is both a
worldwide and a local issue,
and microplastic pollution in particular is receiving increased attention
due to its prevalence and bioaccumulation potential affecting the
food chain. This laboratory experiment uses current, research-based
methods such that the students can determine the extent of microplastic
pollution in local soil samples. This laboratory experiment can be
used as either a 2 or 3 week mini-research-project for first-year
undergraduate students in either an introductory chemistry course
for nonmajors or a general chemistry course for majors. The laboratory
experiment gives students exposure to sieving, density gradients,
and exposure to the Fenton reagent to isolate microplastics from soil
samples, which are then analyzed and quantified under stereomicroscope
magnification. Several general chemistry topics common to most first-year
chemistry courses (density and solution concentration calculations,
etc.) are emphasized during the laboratory experiment. From postexperiment
assessments, students showed a marked improvement in select skill
sets and knowledge of the microplastic pollution problem, and some
students recognized their misconceptions concerning research following
the completion of this laboratory experiment.