Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are extensively used to determine the optimal solutions to the various class recognition problems such as image processing, prediction of biomedical data and speech recognition. With the gradient problems, RNN is slowing losing its shade which is replaced by the Long short term memory (LSTM). However the hardware implementation of the LSTM requires more challenge due to its complexity and high power consumption which makes it unsuitable for implementing in Biological Internet of things networks for prediction of heart diseases. Several algorithms were proposed for an effective implementation of LSTM, but hand‐offs between the performance and utilization still needs improvisation. The paper proposes the novel energy efficient and high performance architecture Pipelined Stochastic Adaptive Distributed Architectures (P‐SCADA) for LSTM networks. In this architecture, hybrid structure has been developed with the help of new distributed arithmetic stochastic computing (DSC) along with the binary circuits to advance the performance of the FPGA such as energy, area and accuracy. The proposed system has been implemented in ARTIX‐7 FPGA with special purpose software has been designed and evaluated with different ECG datasets. For the different series data, area utilization is about 40%–44% and power consumption is about 20%–25% with the prediction of accuracy of 98%. Moreover the proposed architecture has been compared with the other existing architecture such as SPARSE architectures, normal stochastic architectures in which the proposed architecture excels in terms area, power and efficiency.