AbstrakPeristiwa kebakaran sebuah gedung disebabkan oleh banyak faktor di antaranya faktor kelalaian manusia. Proses terjadinya kebakaran umumnya tidak dapat diprediksi terlebih dahulu, namun diketahui setelah keadaan api sudah membesar atau asap sudah mengepul keluar dari gedung. Dalam makalah ini, prototipe pendeteksi kebakaran akan didesain dengan menggunakan sensor api flame sensor, sensor gas MQ2, dan sensor suhu DHT11. Sensor api dihubungkan ke pin digital 11 pada mikrokontroler Arduino mega 2560. Data setiap sensor dikirim melalui modul komunikasi ESP8266 sehingga pengguna telepon seluler berbasis Android dapat menerima data tersebut. Dalam desain sistem, pengolahan data dan pertukaran informasi menggunakan salah satu platform internet-of-things yaitu Blynk. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan prototipe sistem pendeteksi kebakaran yang dirancang dapat mendeteksi kebakaran berdasarkan informasi dari sensor api dan gas serta mengaktifkan buzzer sebagai indikator terjadi kebakaran.
AbstractThe fire accident in a building can be generated by several factors, including human error. The firing process generally cannot be predicted earlier, but it is known after the fire has enlarged or the smoke has billowed out of the building. In this paper, a prototype of fire detection will be designed using fire flame sensor, MQ2 gas sensor, and DHT11 temperature sensor. The fire sensor is connected to digital pin 11 on the Arduino mega 2560 microcontroller. Data for each sensor was sent through the ESP8266 communication module so that a mobilephone user based on Android may received the data. In the designed system, data processing and information transfer used one of the internets of things platform, i.e. Blynk. The results showed that the designed fire detection system was capable to early detect the fire based on information from the fire and gas sensors as well as activated the buzzer as an indicator of fire.