“…Degree to which the customer requirements are unknown to the store's servers, so that the servers must analyze information to complete a service transaction Mills, 1986;Mills and Morris, 1986;Mills and Turk, 1986;Kellogg and Chase, 1995;Buzacott, 2000;Johansson and Olhager, 2004;Xue and Field, 2008 Design choices for managing shopper encounters Design for self-service (SS) Degree to which the store structure and layout supports a "do it yourself" service environment for customer product selection Chase, 1978;Bateson, 1985;Huete and Roth, 1988;Bitner, 1992;Roth and Jackson, 1995;Bitner et al, 1997;Xue et al, 2007; Hefley and Murphy, 2008 Front-line employee task empowerment * (TE)…”