Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) communities in agroecosystems are poorly known, particularly in Québec, Canada, where thrips can cause damage in strawberry crops. The phenology of anthophagous thrips and their use of cultivated and wildflower resources were monitored in strawberry agroecosystems, encompassing strawberry (Rosaceae) fields and adjacent uncultivated margins, on Orléans Island, Québec, Canada. A community comprised of 11 thrips species was described, dominated during the whole season by pest species Frankliniella tritici and F. intonsa, which is a first mention in Eastern Canada. Surprisingly, the major strawberry pest F. occidentalis was absent in our samples. Thrips species richness and abundance on wildflowers varied, with few flowering plant species supporting a majority of the community. Sampling sites and local wildflower presence influenced the thrips species assemblage observed on strawberry crops. Such a high thrips diversity was unexpected in this agroecosystem. The identified associations between pest thrips and wildflower species will be useful to develop better control programmes in strawberry crops.