Land and facility use planning and decisions at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Site are guided by a comprehensive site planning process in accordance with U.S. Department of Energy Order 430.1B, "Real Property Asset Management," which outlines the vision and strategy to transform INL to deliver world-leading capabilities that will enable the U.S. Department of Energy to accomplish its mission. Land use planning is the overarching function within real property asset management that integrates the other functions of acquisition, recapitalization, maintenance, disposition, real property utilization, and long-term stewardship into a coordinated effort to ensure current and future mission needs are met. All land and facility use projects planned at the INL Site are considered through a formal planning process that supports the INL Ten-Year Site Plan. This Comprehensive Land Use and Environmental Stewardship Report describe that process. The land use planning process identifies the current conditions of existing land and facility assets and the scope of constraints across the INL Site and in the surrounding region. Current land use conditions are included in this report and facility assets and scope of constraints are discussed in the Ten-Year Site Plan. This report also presents past, present, and future uses of land at the INL Site that are considered during the planning process, as well as outlining the future of the INL Site for the 10, 30, and 100-year timeframes.