This paper presents the sub-ppm level electrical detection of H 2 S gas at room temperature using printed copper acetate-gold nanoparticle composite films. The excellent sensitivity of these films towards H 2 S can be attributed to the catalytic activity of gold nanoparticles in combination with the plasma oxidation of copper acetate films.Hydrogen sulde (H 2 S) is a toxic gas which poses a threat to human health. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the H 2 S concentration immediately dangerous to life is 100 ppm. 1 On the other hand, the recommended exposure limit is 10 ppm for a maximum duration of 10 min. 1 Contemporary H 2 S sensor devices can be divided into three major categories: semiconductor metal oxide sensors, electrochemical sensors, and optical sensors. 2 Current research aims for the development of robust and cost-effective H 2 S sensors with enhanced sensitivity and stability. In addition, sensors should be able to operate consistently in harsh environmental conditions. This can be accomplished through emerging materials science and modern processing technologies. Nano-materials are of particular interest in gas sensing applications because of their high surface to volume ratio. Furthermore, noble metals have been used as oxidation catalysts for enhancing the reaction on a gas sensor surface by means of a superior oxygen dissociation catalytic ability. 3 It has been reported in the literature that the sensitivity of the sensing layer towards the analyte gas can be improved by doping the sensing material with metals, such as Pt, Au, Pd and Ag. 4-6 Copper acetate (CuAc) has been recently introduced as an easily processable material which is sensitive to H 2 S gas. 7-9 CuAc lms have been shown to directly react with H 2 S gas to form copper sulde (CuS). 9 This resulted in a signicant and irreversible change in resistance of the lm at room temperature with relatively low (1-20 ppm) H 2 S concentrations. 7-9 The large change in resistance is attributed to a direct conversion of highly insulating CuAc (R > 1-100 GU) to a p-type semiconducting CuS (R $ 10-100 U). Chemiresistor-type sensors based on CuAc nanoparticles showing more than eight orders of magnitude change in resistance when exposed to H 2 S on ppm level have been previously demonstrated. 7-9 Furthermore it has been shown that robust CuAc-based H 2 S sensors can be fabricated on low-cost and exible substrates by using massmanufacturing technologies such as inkjet-printing. These inkjet-printed sensors have been successfully employed for quantitative detection of H 2 S (1 to 20 ppm). 7,8 In addition, good repeatability, long-term stability, negligible humidity effect (at RH < 80%) and selectivity of printed CuAc-based H 2 S sensors have been reported earlier. 7,8 However, the practical applicability of these sensors is still somewhat limited by rather slow response times and decient sensitivity (to sub-ppm level detection).This paper reports a CuAc-based chemiresistor-type sensor conguration printed on ...