Semantically rich depiction of the concepts for context-aware indoor routing
brings appealing benefits for the safety of occupants of smart spaces in
emergency evacuation. In this paper, we propose Smart Building Evacuation
Ontology (SBEO3), a reusable ontology for indoor spaces, based on three
different data models: user, building, and context. We provide a common
representation of indoor routing and navigation, describe users?
characteristics and preferences, grouping of individuals and their role in
a specific context, hazards, and emergency evacuation. Among other
characteristics, we consider abilities of individuals, safety and
accessibility of spaces related to each person, intensity, impact, and
severity of an emergency event or activity. SBEO is flexible and compatible
with other ontologies of its domain, including SEAS, SSN/SOSA, SEMA4A, and
empathi. We evaluate SBEO based on several metrics demonstrating that it
addresses the information needs for the context-aware route recommendation
system for emergency evacuation in indoor spaces. In the end, a
simulation-based application example exploits SBEO using Context-Aware
Emergency Evacuation Software (CAREE).