HOADLEY, A. W. (University of Wisconsin, Madison), AND ELIZABETH MCCOY. Characterization of certain gram-negative bacteria from surface waters. Appl. Microbiol. 13:575-578. 1965.-Cultures of gram-negative bacteria with oxidative glucose metabolism were isolated from surface waters by a highly selective technique, and were classified into 11 types. The predominant type, making up about 50% of the isolated cultures, was cytochrome oxidase-positive, produced fluorescent pigment, and failed to grow at 37 C. A similar type, which differed in being cytochrome oxidase-negative, constituited about 10% of the isolates. Both types of bacteria probably were composed of more than one species. A third type, composed of purple-pigmented pseudomonads, made up approximately 30% of the isolated cultures, and probably represented the predominant species. Other bacterial types isolated constituted less than 10% of the cultures examined.