This study employed in vitro seed culture to determine how C and N supply influence the growth (i.e. starch accumulation) and protein composition of maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm. Immature kemels were grown to maturity on liquid medium containing various concentrations of C (sucrose at 234 millimolar [low] and 468 millimolar [high]) and N (amino acid mixture ranging in N from 0 to 144 millimolar). Low C supply limited starch, but not N, accumulation in the endosperm. With high C, endosperm starch and protein content increased concomitantly as N supply increased from 0 to 13.4 millimolar. Endosperm growth was unaffected by additional N until concentrations exceeding approximately 72 millimolar reduced starch accumulation. A similar inhibition of starch deposition occurred with lower N concentrations when kernels were grown with low C. Endosperm total N content reached a point of saturation with approximately 36 millimolar N in the medium, regardless of C supply. Zein synthesis in the endosperm responded positively across all N levels, while glutelin content remained static and albumin/globulin proteins were reduced in amount when N supply was greater than 36 millimolar. A reciprocal, inverse relationship was observed in mature endosperm tissue between the concentrations of free amino acids and soluble sugars. Our data suggest that under N stress starch and protein accumulation in the endosperm are interdependent, at least in appearance, but are independent otherwise.Maize endosperm comprises approximately 83% of the mature kernel and is composed of about 88% starch and 8% protein (8). Because starch and protein deposition in the endosperm constitute the bulk of kernel growth and represent the majority of kernel dry weight and N accumulation, respectively, these terms are often used interchangeably (i.e. starch for dry weight and protein for N) in this paper. Learning how processes of starch and protein deposition are controlled in the endosperm is important to understanding factors which affect grain development. The supply of C and N substrates provided to the seed by vegetative portions of the plant is one obvious factor which can affect the synthesis of these storage products. Regulation may also occur through an interdependency of the starch and protein synthetic pathways. For example, maize kernel dry weight and protein content often increase concomitantly in response to N fertilization (25,28) (27). On the other hand, starch and protein formation are also commonly thought to be negatively related, as grain yield and protein percentage are inversely correlated in cereals (6, 21). This inverse relationship is based on the concentration, rather than the content, ofprotein in the grain. In contrast to theories of coupled regulation between starch and protein formation, source-sink and postanthesis fertilization experiments with maize have shown that the N concentration of the grain can be increased without significantly affecting kernel size (11,22,29). These results suggest that starch and protein dep...