Corticosteroids have proved to be extremely effective in the treatment of acute inflammation and chronic inflammatory diseases. Drug utilization review (DUR) is an ongoing , systematic, criteria-based program of medicine evaluations that will help ensure appropriate medicine use. The present study aim was to evaluate the drug utilization of Corticosteroids in the various department of a tertiary care teaching hospital, Khammam. A prospective observational study was conducted to evaluate drug utilization pattern of corticosteroids. Total 249 corticosteroids were prescribed Prednisolone was prescribed in 39.5% prescription followed by hydrocortisone in 27%, budesonide in 19%, methylprednisolone in 15.5%, Dexamethasone in 9.5%, Deltazacort in 7.5%, Prednisone in 4.5% and Fluhydrocortisone in 2% respectively. 34 ADRs were detected in the study due to corticosteroid use, facial puffiness was detected in 12.50%, headache in 14.70%, Hypernatremia in 14.70%, Hyperglycemia in 17.64%, hypertension in 26.47% and osteoporosis in 14.70%. 72.6% of the drugs were prescribed from the NELM list. Clinical pharmacists interact directly with patients in several different ways. Hence, the clinical pharmacist can perform potential role in health care system in assisting physician in altering the number of medications taken, the number of doses taken, improving the patient medication adherence, detect the adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, in patient counselling, improve the health related quality of life and decreasing the health care cost of the patient.