Patient satisfaction in relation to perioperative anesthesia care represents an essential aspect of quality health care management. The assessment of patient satisfaction is a reality of practice today for good patient satisfaction with health care provider interaction and health influencing factors.
To assess the magnitude and associated factor of patient satisfaction towards anesthesia care at Hawassa University comprehensive specialized Hospital April 5, – May 5, 2019Gc.
A prospective cross-sectional study design was employed in an adult surgical patient scheduled for surgery under general anesthesia and the regional anesthesia level of satisfaction and factor associated with satisfaction was analyzed. Data was entered info version 7 and transfer to SPSS version 25 .0 for analysis. Normality test checked by using Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov the data was normally distributed. Then the frequency, percentage, and cross-tabulation with different variables were determined, lastly, the magnitude and associated factor analyzed by binary logistic regression a multivariate logistic regression. Variables P-value < 0.2 binary logistic regression included in a multivariate logistic regression and p_value less than 0.05 was Taken as statistically significant.
A Total of 200patient included in this study with a response rate of 100%. The main finding of this study was predictors of perioperative patient dissatisfaction were general anesthesia, duration of surgery, nausea, and vomiting, and pain after surgery. The magnitude of patient satisfaction is 60%. Odds of the patient who took general anesthesia were 2.31(1.096, 4.142) p = 0.026 more dissatisfied than regional anesthesia. Odds of the patient duration of surgery 2-3hr 0.313(0.124, 0.792) less likely dissatisfied than the duration of surgery 1hr.The odds of patient nausea and vomiting AOR = 2.575(1.163, 5.698) P = 002 more likely dissatisfied than didn’t have nausea and vomiting. The odds of patient pain after surgery AOR = 2.28(1.084, 4.76) more likely dissatisfied than the patient didn’t have pain after surgery.
patient satisfaction with perioperative anesthesia care Compared to another study magnitude of satisfaction very low, regular study and intervention should do every time /year in order to increase patient satisfaction.