The goal of this study is to deepen the understanding of how middle age and older Hispanics plan for retirement, where we conducted four focus groups in the Los Angeles area with a total of 38 participants. Our study provides interesting findings, specifically for women since 84 percent of the participants were female. We find that that most participants, whether they were already retired or not, are not well prepared for retirement since they have been unable to save for retirement and have not made specific retirement plans, such as determining desired retirement age, estimating retirement budget, and collecting information about expected retirement benefits. In relation to saving on a regular basis, results were mixed. Some participants are able to save on a regular basis, but others cannot save because they live day to day. Our study contributes to the literature by showing how family experiences and religion play a significant role in retirement planning among this population. We found that the majority of the participants had parents who did not plan for retirement, and very few had parents who were able to save. We also found that many participants do now worry about retirement because they believe "God will provide." We also found an interesting shift in relation to intergenerational transfers and family networks. While many participants help their parents, most of them do not want to ask children for help and do not expect getting help from them.