Background and Purpose-Both dementia and stroke are major health problems in Chinese societies. Stroke is a frequent cause of dementia. Only a few studies have been published on poststroke dementia (PSDE), none of which has investigated a consecutive stroke cohort in Asian patient populations. The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence and clinical correlates of PSDE in Chinese stroke patients in Hong Kong. Methods-Two hundred eighty stroke patients consecutively admitted to the medical wards of a university-affiliated regional hospital were interviewed by a psychiatrist 3 months after stroke. The presence of dementia and vascular dementia was diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition. In addition, a wide range of demographic and clinical variables were examined. Results-Fifty-five participants (20%) had PSDE. Univariate analysis found that PSDE was associated with age; level of education; prestroke Rankin Scale score; prestroke Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) score; National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) best language score, dysarthria score, and total score; urinary incontinence; cortical infarct; leukoaraiosis; bilateral lesions; number of lesions; involvement of middle cerebral artery circulation; and cerebral atrophy index. Multivariate logistic regression suggested that prestroke IQCODE score, NIHSS total score, leukoaraiosis, involvement of middle cerebral artery territory, and cerebral atrophy index were independent risk factors of PSDE. After removal of 22 patients with prestroke dementia, which was defined as a prestroke IQCODE score Ő†4.0, the frequency of PSDE dropped to 15.5%. Furthermore, involvement of the middle cerebral artery territory and cerebral atrophy index were replaced by level of education and bilateral lesions as independent predictors in the final logistic model. Conclusions-PSDE is common among Chinese stroke patients in Hong Kong. Its frequency is comparable to that in white populations. The clinical determinants of PSDE, after the exclusion of patients with prestroke dementia, include premorbid level of cognitive function, severity of stroke, leukoaraiosis, level of education, and bilateral lesions.