By retrograde catheterization of the carotid or the brachial arteries small polyethylene or woven catheters have been inserted into the ascending aorta in 10 individuals. Diodrast or Neo-Iopax solution was forcibly injected and serial roentgenograms were rapidly taken. The coronary arteries or branches were demonstrated in 5 of the subjects. Similar studies were made in 5 dogs with normal hearts, and also in 10 dogs in whom a coronary artery had previously been obstructed. In certain of the normal animals not only the larger, but also smaller branches were clearly shown and the absence of filling in obstructed vessels was demonstrated.R OENTGEN visualization of the coronary arteries in the living patient would contribute greatly to the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. It also should be helpful in studying the results of experimentally induced coronary obstruction in animals. With these objectives in mind, a technic of coronary arteriography which has proved successful in animals and in man is presented.In an earlier communication' a method of visualization of the coronary arteries was described. A radiopaque medium was injected through a catheter inserted via the brachial artery into the ascending aorta and the coronary arteries were demonstrated roentgenographically. These studies have been continued and, to date, successful visualization of the coronary arteries in 13 dogs and 5 human beings has been obtained.