Motion in biology is studied through a descriptive geometrical method. We consider a deterministic discrete dynamical system used to simulate and classify a variety of types of movements which can be seen as templates and building blocks of more complex trajectories. The dynamical system is determined by the iteration of a bimodal interval map dependent on two parameters, up to scaling, generalizing a previous work. The characterization of the trajectories uses the classifying tools from symbolic dynamics-kneading sequences, topological entropy and growth number. We consider also the isentropic trajectories, trajectories with constant topological entropy, which are related with the possible existence of a constant drift. We introduce the concepts of pure and mixed bimodal trajectories which give much more flexibility to the model, maintaining it simple. We discuss several procedures that may allow the use of the model to characterize empirical data.The methods used vary, ranging from pure stochastic, see for example the survey [1], machine learning or mechanistic approaches. An important reference in this last direction of study is Reference [2], where a conceptual framework for movement in ecology is proposed. Their approach is general and includes certain components which determine the movement path. Three of these components regard the individual and are: internal state, motion capacity and navigation capacity. A fourth component, corresponding to the external factors, represents aspects of the abiotic and biotic environment which affect the movement.In Reference [3], the authors review literature on the agent based modeling approach allowing to incorporate in simulations characteristics of animal behavior and the interaction with different environments. Other methods are introduced and developed in References [4][5][6]. For example, state space models appropriate to deal with biological and statistical features of satellite tracking data and different methodologies of collecting data using statistically robust methods. The state-space framework considers the internal state of the animal as a possible state variable which influence the displacement, therefore allowing the transition between behavior states or modes, within the model. This is important for the observed type of trajectory, since the animal may be migrating, searching for water, foraging, exploring, and these types of behavior produce distinct types of trajectories.In Reference [7], the authors refer to alternative methods for modeling animal trajectories with hidden Markov models, where the modeling is based on existing non-observable states which are governed by some probability distributions, for example, Markov chains. The authors discuss these methods comparing them with the state-space model approach. The computational tractability and mathematical simplicity are stressed as main advantages of the referred methods, and the authors apply the models to changing behavior of the animals and to multiple animal movement description.Until recently...