This contribution describes evidence for Middle Devonian contractional deformation and foreland basin development in the Purcell and Rocky mountains of southern Canada. These are interpreted as early manifestations of the Antler Orogeny, which is well documented in the western United States. Middle Devonian foreland basin strata include the Mount Forster Formation and correlative strata, which change laterally from > 500 m of lithic sandstones, conglomerates and volcanic flows in westernmost exposures to predominantly shale and gypsum in exposures to the east, and the Harrogate Formation, which comprises shallow water carbonates and minor mudstone. Significant local lateral thickness and facies changes, and angular unconformities that truncate folds, were created within the Middle Devonian foreland basin strata in the Delphine Creek region of southeastern British Columbia in response to syndepositional folding within an interpreted wedge-top basin. A normal fault, formed during Neoproterozoic rifting, was inverted during the Devonian contraction. Middle Devonian foreland basin strata pinch out to the northeast against the West Alberta Ridge, which was a Middle Devonian paleohigh interpreted to have been a peripheral bulge.