“…and viruses (Bode et al 2004, Kocagoz et al 2005, Takahashi et al 2007, Tomaso et al 2007, Abril et al 2008, Kidd et al 2008. In recent years, fish disease diagnosticians have used this technique to identify and quantify bacterial, viral, and parasitic fish pathogens such as Aeromonas salmonicida, Flavobacterium columnare, Renibacterium salmoninarum, Henneguya ictaluri, largemouth bass virus, and recently Francisella piscicida in Norwegian cod (Balcázar et al 2007, Getchell et al 2007, Panangala et al 2007, Suzuki & Sakai 2007, Griffin et al 2008, Ottem et al 2008. The high sensitivity, high specificity, and short turnaround time for results make this technique an attractive replacement method for conventional diagnostic techniques (Espy et al 2006).…”