In engineering and the applied sciences, the term "model" is typically used to denote a device or concept that imitates the behavior of a physical system as closely as possible, but on a different (usually smaller) scale, possibly with some simplifications. The aim of such a model is normally to evaluate the performance of such a system for reasons connected with its exploitation for economic, social, military, or other purposes. In the context of the atmosphere or oceans, numerical weather and climate prediction models clearly fall into this category. Such models are extremely complicated entities that seek to represent the topography, composition, radiative transfer, and dynamics of the atmosphere, oceans, and surface in great detail. As a result, it is generally impossible to comprehend fully the complex interactions of physical processes and scales of motion that occur within any given simulation. The success of such models can only be judged by the accuracy of their predictions as directly verified (in the case of numerical weather prediction) against subsequent observations and measurements. Similar models used for climate prediction, however, are often comparable in complexity to those used for weather prediction but are frequently used as tools in attempts to address questions of economic, social, or political importance (e.g., concerning the impact of increasing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions) for which little or no verifying data may be available.In formulating such models and interpreting their results, it is necessary to make use of a different class of