“…The appropriateness of different indices in reflecting price competitiveness of an economy has been discussed inter alia in Deutsche Bundesbank (1998Bundesbank ( , 2004 and ECB (2003aECB ( , 2005a. According to the Bundesbank studies, a rather broadly defined price index such as the price deflator of total sales should be the most suitable since such indicators are the only ones that reflect price differentials in intermediate inputs that make up a significant part of differences in price Bearing in mind the possible limitations of their adequacy as expressed in Banerjee et al (2004Banerjee et al ( , 2005 and Fischer/Porath (2006), panel unit root tests of the country panels of real effective exchange rates have been performed. Real exchange rates are often found to be correlated (cf O'Connell, 1998, for example), a property which will obviously also pertain to real effective exchange rates which are just weighted averages of the former.…”