Leonowicz, P., 2016. Tu bu lar tempestites from Ju ras sic mudstones of south ern Po land. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 60 (2): 385-394, doi: 10.7306/gq.1246 This pa per pres ents tu bu lar tempestites from south ern Po land and their ap pli ca tion for en vi ron men tal and se quence stra tigra phy in ter pre ta tion. Tu bu lar tempestites are pres ent in muddy suc ces sions of the Lower Ju ras sic Ciechocinek For ma tion and in the Mid dle Ju ras sic Częstochowa Ore-Bear ing Clay For ma tion in the Silesian-Kraków re gion. They oc cur as sand-filled tubes of Spongeliomorpha and Thalassinoides en trenched in the mudstone, which form two char ac ter is tic ho rizons. Tubes were emplaced in semi-con sol i dated sub strate and filled with sand brought by storm-gen er ated bot tom currents. The trace fos sils re veal fea tures typ i cal of Glossifungites ichnofacies as so ci ated firmgrounds, which re cord dis con ti nu ities in the strati graphi cal re cord, linked with a depositional hi a tus or con den sa tion and ero sion of the sea-floor. The co in ci dence of these ho ri zons with early phases of re gional trans gres sions sug gests that they rep re sent transgressive sur faces of ero sion. Their lim ited spa tial ex tent prob a bly re sulted from vary ing in ten sity of ero sion, which lo cally scoured deeply down to al ready con sol i dated sub strate, whereas in other places ero sion was weaker or even ab sent, and thus it is not marked in the sed i men tary re cord there.