The experimental procedure involved in the application of the statistical triangle test and some of the limitations of this mothod are briefly discusscd. Two types of unidimensional distance models, the trianglo constant method and the normal Thurstone-Ura model, are briefly reviewed and the logistic Thurstone-Ura model is developod. The two versions of the Thurstone-Ura model are shown to be remarkably difforent from the corresponding versions of the three-altornative forced-choico signal detection thoory model.Some theoretical and experimental differences between the triangular constant method model, the Thurstono-Ura model and the 3-AFC SDT model are discussed. Finally, by analysis of experimental data, it is shown that tho theoretical distinction botweon tho Thurstone-Ura model and the 3-AFC SDT model is useful bocause it appeared the key for the resolution of the 'paradox of discriminatory non-discriminators' (Gridgeman, 1970).