Migratory songbirds may navigate by extracting positional information from the geomagnetic field, potentially with a magnetic-particle-based receptor. Previous studies assessed this hypothesis experimentally by exposing birds to a strong but brief magnetic pulse aimed at remagnetizing the particles and evoking an altered behaviour. Critically, such studies were not ideally designed because they lacked an adequate sham treatment controlling for the induced electric field that is fundamentally associated with a magnetic pulse. Consequently, we designed a sham-controlled magnetic-pulse experiment, with sham and treatment pulse producing a similar induced electric field, while limiting the sham magnetic field to a value that is deemed insufficient to remagnetize particles. We tested this novel approach by pulsing more than 250 wild, migrating European robins (
Erithacus rubecula
) during two autumn seasons. After pulsing them, five traits of free-flight migratory behaviour were observed, but no effect of the pulse could be found. Notably, one of the traits, the migratory motivation of adults, was significantly affected in only one of the two study years. Considering the problem of reproducing experiments with wild animals, we recommend a multi-year approach encompassing large sample size, blinded design and built-in sham control to obtain future insights into the role of magnetic-particle-based magnetoreception in bird navigation.