The transition temperature and the nature of the ordered state below it are calculated for solid orthohydrogen subject to quad rupole-type interactions. We introduce correlations similar to those in Lines*s method, and obtain a transition temperature of 2.56°K, very near the observed 2.83°K.The phase transition in solid hydrogen has been studied thoroughly, both experimentally and theoretically, in the past few years. The main effort has been directed towards an understanding of the cooperative ordering of orthohydrogen molecules on rigid fee and hep lattices. The molecular ordering in solid hydrogen is due to the anisotropic orientational interactions. It has already been shown that these interactions can be represented to a good approximation as a quasiquadrupolar interaction. 1 * 2 Several calculations, based on molecular field theories, 3 " 6 Green'sfunction methods, 7 * 8 and cluster expansions 9 " 11 have been made in order to calculate the transition temperature in solid orthohydrogen. All these theories consistently overestimate the transition temperature by about a factor ranging from 1.3 to 2. Moreover, for all these theories one had to know the structure of the ordered state. In this paper we present a quantum-mechanical where H {° is the rotational kinetic-energy operator; v u represents the interaction of the ith and jth molecules, which depends on the direction of the intermolecular axis and is zero for i = j> Q\i is the \ith quadrupole component of the ith molecule 17 (/i= 1,. . . , 5); and hj is some general external field. The intermolecular interaction will be written as
^iA)=£^VV^'-(2)In the conventional molecular field approximation an effective Hamiltonian is written for each particle i as H^H^Yj^^vJKq^q^T.^^q;,theory which is an extension of a theory originally developed by Lines 12 ' 13 for ferroelectrics, and which introduces correlations in the framework of the molecular field approximation, while still retaining the single-particle picture. As in two previous papers 14 * 15 the transition temperature and the ordered state below it are given by the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of a simple Hermitian matrix. Unlike the previous calculations, this approach yields a transition temperature very near the observed 2.83°K. 16 We consider a system of molecules interacting via orientational quasiquadrupolar forces. The molecules are represented by a system of rigid rotators with centers of gravity fixed at the points of a rigid fee lattice. The orientation of the molecule on the site i is described by the polar angles (0 i ,(Pi) = &i of the internuclear axis. The Hamiltonian is
a)where every operator on j±i has been replaced by its thermal average. We shall allow for correlations by writing