The Public Forest Management Law (LGFP -Law n. 11.284/2006) differed from the two previous attempts to implement a model of forestry concessions in Brazil, in that it was supported by different sectors of civil society and parliamentarians, interested in incorporating social and political aspects. landowners, forming coalitions. This work aimed to identify and analyze the disputed interests and relations between social actors at different levels of performance at the jurisdictional and institutional scale about the social aspects provided for in the Public Forest Management Law, emphasizing the disputes for the use of resources and territory. The initial hypothesis was that there are differences of interests and power between actors at different levels of activity, both macro (in the institutional sphere of conception of the Law and national jurisprudence), and meso and micro (in the scope of the dispute between organizations and local leaders during the implementation of the legal framework), resulting in asymmetry between the actions of planned social aspects and those carried out. The research was developed with the objectives of to identify interests and disputes and the social actors at the macro level involved in the design of the LGFP; to identify the interests in dispute, the social actors and their relations at the local level, in the implementation of the Law; to identify and analyze the implementation of the social benefits provided for in the standard. The disputes and the social agents acting at the macro level on the spatial and institutional scale were identified from documentary data of the processing, in the National Congress, of Bill n. 4.776/2005, that resulted in Law n. 11.284/2006, and bibliographic research. Primary data at the meso and micro level were obtained through semi-structured interviews applied with key informants. The sampling used was intentional non-probabilistic, prioritizing the key informants working in the social fields of four public forest concession units in the Saracá-Taquera National Forest, in southwestern Pará, in the Lower Amazon Mesoregion. The results reinforce aspects already observed in the literature, indicating that social and land tenure aspects were central between the points of dispute and coalition in the process of processing the LGFP, however the results obtained with the application of social benefits were not comprehensive, perceived as a result institutional bricolage processes of intermediary organizations. Regarding multilevel relations at the jurisdictional scale, coalitions and the performance of skilled actors were more perceived in the relations between fields at close hierarchical levels, in comparison with the relations between fields at more distant levels. In the multilevel analysis of the institutional and jurisdictional scales, it was observed that actors with national and regional action obtained more opportunity to make formal feedbacks, enabling the proposal to modify the legal provision, while in local organizations implementing the pol...