“…One major exception is the modeling by . As one of the few attempts during the last ten years to develop a theory of accounting……F-O modeling is also one of the more controversial research area in accounting" (Beaver, 2002,P.457 (Lundholm, 1995;Dechow et al, 1998;Barth et al, 2001;Kothari, 2001 (Bernard, 1995;Myers, 1999;Dechow et al, 1999;Lo and Lys, 2000;Beaver, 2002 (Myers, 1999;Dechow et al, 1999;Barth et al, 1999;Canel and Morel, 2001;Choi et al, 2006;Leccaditor and Veltri, 2014) مهؤل (Bernard,1995;Lo and Lys,2000;Pratt,2001 (Biddle and Choi,2006;Chambers et al, 2007;Kanagaretnan et al, 2009;Kubot et al,2009, Bradbury andCourtenary, 2018 (Dhaliwal et al, 1999;O'Hanlon andPope, 1999, Cahan et al, 2000;Isidro et al;2004;Goncharov and Hodgson, 2011 (Barth et al, 1999;Callen and Morel, 2001;Ota, 2002;Leccadito and Veltri, 2014 (Dechow et al, 1999;Myers, 1999 (Ritter and Warr, 2002;Gregory et al, 2005;Ashton et al, 2010 ىظو" ل " يظ ظمظ مه ل ذهت لمه ن لعمظم هولت (Bernard, 1995;Dechow et al, 1999;<...>…”