Abstract-This paper presents a variable-length decisionfeedback coding scheme that achieves high rates at short blocklengths. This scheme uses the Reliability-Output Viterbi Algorithm (ROVA) to determine when the receiver's decoding estimate satisfies a given error constraint. We evaluate the performance of both terminated and tail-biting convolutional codes at average blocklengths less than 300 symbols, using the ROVA and tailbiting ROVA, respectively. Comparing with recent results from finite-blocklength information theory, simulations for both the BSC and the AWGN channel show that the reliability-based decision-feedback scheme can surpass the random-coding lower bound on throughput for feedback codes at some blocklengths less than 100 symbols. This is true both when decoding after every symbol is permitted, and when decoding is limited to a small number of increments. Finally, the performance of the reliability-based stopping rule with the ROVA is compared to retransmission decisions based on CRCs. For short blocklengths where the latency overhead of the CRC bits is severe, the ROVAbased approach delivers superior rates.