Reduction in leakage current has become a significant concern in
nanotechnology-based low-power, low-voltage, and high-performance VLSI
applications. This research article discusses a new low-power circuit design
the approach of FORTRAN (FORced stack sleep TRANsistor), which decreases the
leakage power efficiency in the CMOS-based circuit outline in VLSI domain.
FORTRAN approach reduces leakage current in both active as well as standby
modes of operation. Furthermore, it is not time intensive when the circuit
goes from active mode to standby mode and vice-versa. To validate the
proposed design approach, experiments are conducted in the Tanner EDA tool
of mentor graphics bundle on projected circuit designs for the full adder, a
chain of 4-inverters, and 4- bit multiplier designs utilizing 180nm, 130nm,
and 90nm TSMC technology node. The outcomes obtained show the result of a
95-98% vital reduction in leakage power as well as a 15-20% reduction in
dynamic power with a minor increase in delay. The result outcomes are
compared for accuracy with the notable design approaches that are accessible
for both active and standby modes of operation.