Oral presentation skills are considered one of the most important proficiencies needed for higher education and future careers. Thus, the present study is interested in eliciting English as a Foreign Language (EFL) college students' perceptions of the difficulties they face in oral presentation as a form of assessment. Participants were 500 female EFL college students from different grade levels enrolled in a four-year pre-service teacher education program at the College of Basic Education (CBE) in Kuwait City, Kuwait. A five-point Likert Scale questionnaire was used and divided into three main sections: personal traits, oral presentation skills, and instructor and audience. Independent variables measured were students' ages, year at college, Grade Point Average (GPA), and nationality. In addition, a structured interview to solicit instructors' opinions was carried out. Results showed students' perceptions of the difficulties they experienced at a medium level (M=3.10). However, significant differences in the results were found when students' nationalities and GPAs were taken into account.