DOI: 10.1063/1.1601693
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A resonant spin lifetime transistor

Abstract: We present a device concept for a spintronic transistor based on the spin relaxation properties a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The device design is very similar to that of the Datta and Das spin transistor. However, our proposed device works in the diffusive regime rather than in the ballistic regime. This eases lithographical and processing requirements. The switching action is achieved through the biasing of a gate contact, which controls the lifetime of spins injected into the 2DEG from a ferromagne… Show more

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Cited by 111 publications
(98 citation statements)
References 18 publications
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“…4͒; however, tuning of the SO splitting via the Rashba interaction in InSb QWs, a prerequisite for most spintronic device proposals, has not been demonstrated. 5,6 This family of devices based on the spin field effect transistor ͑FET͒ ͑Ref. 6͒ presuppose the concept that the size of the Rashba interaction, originating from the structural inversion asymmetry in the electrostatic confining potential and parametrized by the coefficient ␣ R , can be tuned via the application of an external electric field.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…4͒; however, tuning of the SO splitting via the Rashba interaction in InSb QWs, a prerequisite for most spintronic device proposals, has not been demonstrated. 5,6 This family of devices based on the spin field effect transistor ͑FET͒ ͑Ref. 6͒ presuppose the concept that the size of the Rashba interaction, originating from the structural inversion asymmetry in the electrostatic confining potential and parametrized by the coefficient ␣ R , can be tuned via the application of an external electric field.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Examples include devices based on the geometrical enhancement of classical properties such as extraordinary magnetoresistance 1 ͑EMR͒ and more recently extraordinary electroconductance 2 ͑EEC͒ for high resolution magnetic ͑B͒ and electric ͑E͒ field sensing, and the nonballistic spin transistor. 3 Diffusive transport requires that, these devices must have dimensions greater than the elastic mean free path p = ͱ D p , where D is the electron diffusion constant and p is the elastic scattering time. Materials with high room temperature ͑RT͒ mobility ͑ ͒ such as InSb are an obvious choice for high B-field sensitivity ͑Hallϰ , EMR ϰ 2 ͒, 4 but enter the ballistic regime at relatively large dimensions and require demanding fabrication strategies to regain diffusive transport at the nanoscale.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Despite the fact that the first Spin Field Effect Transistor (SPINFET) was proposed almost two decades ago [1], and numerous clones have appeared since then [2,3,4], no SPINFET has ever been experimentally demonstrated. The primary obstacle to experimental demonstration is the inability to achieve high spin injection efficiency at the interface between the source and channel, and high spin detection efficiency at the interface between the channel and drain.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%