Computer-based scaffolding plays a pivotal role in improving students' higher-order skills in the context of problem-based learning for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. The effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding has been demonstrated through traditional meta-analyses. However, traditional meta-analyses suffer from small-study effects and a lack of studies covering certain characteristics. This research investigates the effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding in the context of problem-based learning for STEM education through Bayesian meta-analysis (BMA). Specifically, several types of prior distribution information inform Bayesian simulations of studies, and this generates accurate effect size estimates of six moderators (total 24 subcategories) related to the characteristics of computer-based scaffolding and the context of scaffolding utilization. The results of BMA indicated that computer-based scaffolding significantly impacted (g = 0.385) cognitive outcomes in problem-based learning in STEM education. Moreover, according to the characteristics and the context of use of scaffolding, the effects of computer-based scaffolding varied with a range of small to moderate values. The result of the BMA contributes to an enhanced understanding of the effect of computer-based scaffolding within problem-based learning.
IntroductionThe Next Generation Science Standards promote the use of problem-based learning (PBL), which requires that students construct knowledge to generate solutions to ill-structured, authentic problems (Achieve 2013). Central to student success in such approaches is scaffolding-dynamic support that helps students meaningfully participate in and gain skill at tasks that are beyond their unassisted capabilities (Belland 2014;Hmelo-Silver et al. 2007). When originally defined, instructional scaffolding was delivered in a one-to-one manner by a teacher (Wood et al. 1976). But researchers have considered how to use computer-based tools as scaffolding to overcome the limitations of one-to-one scaffolding such as high student to teacher ratios (Hawkins and Pea 1987). Computer-based scaffolding has been utilized in the context of PBL in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) education, and many studies have demonstrated the effect of computer-based scaffolding on students' conceptual knowledge and higher-order skills.However, it is difficult to generalize from the results of individual studies without the use of systematic synthesis methods (e.g., meta-analysis) due to different educational populations in particular contexts. For that reason, several meta-analyses have addressed the effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding (Azevedo and Bernard 1995;Belland et al. 2017;Ma et al. 2014), but none focused specifically on scaffolding in the context of PBL. This study aims to determine and generalize the effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding utilized in PBL in terms of several characteristics of computer-based scaffolding and its contexts ...