In this work, the effects of the addition of Nb and Al on the microstructures and tensile behaviours of micro-alloyed powder metallurgy (PM) steels were investigated. The microstructure of the micro-alloyed PM steels was examined by light microscope, SEM, XRD, XRF and EDS. The results indicated that the addition of (0.1, 0.15 or 0.2) % of Nb-Al increases the yield strength (YS) and the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the PM sintered steels. Elongation also tends to improve with an increasing Nb and Al content. In addition, the Nb and Al limit the grain growth during austenitization. Keywords: powder metallurgy, micro-alloyed steels, microstructure V delu je bil preiskovan vpliv dodatka Nb in Al na mikrostrukturo in na natezno trdnost mikrolegiranih PM jekel, izdelanih iz prahov. Mikrostruktura mikrolegiranih PM jekel je bila preiskovana s svetlobnim mikroskopom ter s SEM, XRD, XRF in EDS. Rezultati so pokazali, da dodatek (0,1, 0,15 ali 0,2) % Nb-Al pove~a mejo plasti~nosti (YS) in natezno trdnost (UTS) sintranih PM jekel. Tudi raztezek se izbolj{a s pove~ano vsebnostjo Nb in Al. Ugotovljeno je {e, da dodatek Nb in Al omejuje rast zrn med avstenitizacijo.