The efficiency of air separation is tested using three different small-scale cryogenic distillation columns. The performance of a random packed column is compared to the performance of two microchannel distillation (MCD) columns that use thin wicking structures and gas flow channels to achieve process intensification. The MCD columns tested include a plate-type layered column and an additively manufactured porous honeycomb (AMPH) column. For columns with 25.4 cm of active height and run under similar conditions, the packed, plate-type layering, and AMPH columns achieved approximate height equivalent of a theoretical plate (HETP) values of 5.5, 3.7, and 3.2 cm for nitrogen, and 5.9, 4.9, and 3.3 cm for argon. The AMPH column can produce up to 0.4 SLM of more than 90% purity oxygen with 12 W of cooling lift. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using additive manufacturing to construct MCD devices and pave a way for constructing novel MCD designs.