The concept of local e-Government has become a key factor for delivering services in an efficient, cost effective, transparent and convenient way, in circumstances where a) citizens do not have enough time available to communicate with local authorities in order to perform their responsibilities and needs, and b) information and communication technologies significantly facilitate administrative procedures and citizens-government interaction. This paper aims to identify e-services that local authorities provide, and to investigate their readiness for delivering these services. A pilot research has been conducted to identify the offer of e-services by local authorities, along with e-readiness in municipalities of the Pelagonia region in the Republic of Macedonia. The survey was carried out by means of structured interview questions based on a modified model proposed by Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development -web analysis of municipal websites in the region has been conducted, as well. The study reveals uneven distribution according to the age group of users, lack of reliability and confidence for processing the needs and requests electronically by a large part of the population, and improperly developed set of ICT tools by local governments for providing a variety of services that can be fully processed electronically.