Human trafficking occurs in a cycle of coercion and exploitation of vulnerable people; yet, little is known about those who are trafficked more than one time (re-trafficked). Our study sought to describe the trafficking experiences and explore vulnerabilities to re-trafficking in an urban, majority immigrant, population. This study is part of a parent cohort study that enrolls patients at the EMPOWER Center in New York City, which provides trauma-informed obstetric and gynecologic services to victims of sexual- and gender-based violence. Retrospective chart review was conducted on patients with a history of sex trafficking who were evaluated at the EMPOWER Center from February 2013 to January 2021. A total of 87 patients were enrolled in this study, 23 (26.4%) of whom had been re-trafficked. All were women. Most (88.5%) were victims of international trafficking, most often from Mexico or the Caribbean/Central America. Nine (10.3%) reported contraceptive use and six (6.9%) experienced forced substance use while trafficked. The most reported barriers that women faced in escaping trafficking were threat of violence (28.7%) and financial dependence (19.5%). Re-trafficked patients were more likely to have a history of being undocumented (odds ratio [OR] = 5.29; 95% confidence intervals [CI] [1.34, 20.94]) and experienced childhood sexual abuse (OR = 2.99; 95% CI [1.10, 8.16]), experienced childhood physical abuse (OR = 3.33; 95% CI [1.18, 9.39]), and lived with a non-parent family member (OR = 6.56; 95% CI [1.71, 25.23]). Although these vulnerabilities were no longer significant when analyzed in a parsimonious multivariate logistic regression model adjusting for the other significant variables, likely due to the limited sample size. Almost half (46.0%) reported ongoing emotional effects from being trafficked, which did not vary by re-trafficking status. Our study highlights potential pre-trafficking vulnerabilities, illustrates the complexity of the trafficking experience, and presents potential risk factors for being re-trafficked.