The monograph presents research results on global technological and scientific trends in the military based on research of international consulting agencies, international military alliances, state authorities of foreign countries, and analysis of world publications and patents in weapons and military equipment. In the world, the top 10 military technologies of the future in 2024 include artificial intelligence, the development of more advanced protective modern defense equipment to counter new threats, robotics and autonomous systems (RAS), the Internet of Military Things, cyber defense technologies, immersive technologies, additive manufacturing, big data and quantum computing, 5G connectivity, blockchain. The authors conducted scientometric and patent analyses to determine the most promising areas of technology development in the following areas: military aviation; means of air defense, radar, electronic warfare, and radio communication; armored vehicles; precision weapons and ammunition and military shipbuilding. The results of such analysis provide an idea of future global technological trends for certain types of weapons and military equipment, as well as allow to single out the central, most promising areas of development and further implementation of new technologies for building a modern system of the armed forces of Ukraine. The work results can be used by representatives of state authorities, experts, scientists, engineering personnel, and teachers of higher educational institutions.