Abstract-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is of the strong prospects as a future wireless communication system. Improved spectral efficiency has been found in OFDM based on DFT, has a good orthogonality but inter symbol interference (ISI) and inter carrier interference (ICI) degrade the performance. ISI and ICI can be improved by using cyclic prefix (CP). About 20% of bandwidth is consumed by CP. For preferable performance DWT based OFDM gives better outlook than DFT based OFDM.. Three advantages of using DWT are desirable signal to noise ratio, desirable data rate and below per power requirement are given by wavelet based OFDM. Comparison of performances of BER using practical channel model known as Stanford University Interim (SUI) is given in this paper. Consideration to QPSK, 4QAM, 8QAM, 16 -QAM, 32QAM, 64-QAM, 128QAM and 256 QAM has been given in modeling. Channel condition and modulation are the pre -cursors given for the selection of particular performance.Keywords-OF DM, MIM O, BER, Cyclic Prefix, DF T, DWT, SUI Channel.
I. INTRODUCTIONAs a mult icarrie r modulat ion technique orthogonal frequency divis ion multip le xing (OFDM) can be s een as a better pros pect of future wire les s communication, better quality audio, v ideo and mobile integrated s ervice are the requis ites for data trans mis s ion at higher data rates in current and future mobile co mmun ication. Inter s y mbol interference (ISI) is caus ed due to extens ion of channel impuls e res ponse over many s ymbol period and it res ults when data is s en d at high bit rates . Signal is s end in parallel form and bandwidth is divided into narrow s ub channel in Orthogonal frequency divis ion mu ltip le xing (OFDM) to do away with delay s pread [1] [2]. Signal can be executed in joint time-frequency domains wavelet trans form [3]. Orthogonality is imp roved us ing wavelet to s upport time and frequency domain. Orthogonal wavelets are capable to reduced the effect of inter s ymbol interference (ISI) and inter carrier interference (ICI) wh ich are due to loss of orthogonality between the carriers as a res ult of mu ltipath propagation over the wireles s fading channels . Cyclic prefix (CP) is us ed in OFDM to overcome inter s ymbol interference (ISI) and inter channel interference (ICI). Cyc lic pre fix (CP) is not mandatory in wave let bas ed OFDM. CP may be 20% or more of s ymbol. Thus wavelets bas ed OFDM gives about 19% -21% of more bandwidth efficiency [4]. Wavelets based OFDM is les s affected by Doppler s hift. Timefrequency as well as orthogonality is s upport in wavelet based OFDM . Phase linearity as well as imp ortant out -of band rejection is p rovided by wavelet. Factors such as mult i-p ath, frequency offset, timing offset, and noise wireless environment is unforeseeable than wired mediu m. The receiv ed signal is thus suffer from amp litude and p hase distortion as the signal p assed through adverse chann el cond itions. Channel assessment gives the idea about chann el resp onse. The dy namic assessment of channel ...