DOI: 10.3390/molecules25215039
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A Review on Lead-Free Hybrid Halide Perovskites as Light Absorbers for Photovoltaic Applications Based on Their Structural, Optical, and Morphological Properties

Abstract: Despite the advancement made by the scientific community in the evolving photovoltaic technologies, including the achievement of a 29.1% power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells over the past two decades, there are still numerous challenges facing the advancement of lead-based halide perovskite absorbers for perovskite photovoltaic applications. Among the numerous challenges, the major concern is centered around the toxicity of the emerging lead-based halide perovskite absorbers, thereby leading t… Show more

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Cited by 32 publications
(23 citation statements)
References 160 publications
(193 reference statements)
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“…Morphology is well established to have a basic obligation for efficiency and behaviours in halide perovskite, from the nanoscale to the macroscale. Therefore, the photovoltaics systems' overall performance focuses significantly on material morphology, stoichiometry, and crystallinity [6]. Thus, the increasing sulfur content and temperature influenced the smoothness of the material morphology and increased the thin film's crystallinity by reducing voids and cracks.…”
Section: Casns3 Chalcogenide Perovskite Photoabsorbermentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Morphology is well established to have a basic obligation for efficiency and behaviours in halide perovskite, from the nanoscale to the macroscale. Therefore, the photovoltaics systems' overall performance focuses significantly on material morphology, stoichiometry, and crystallinity [6]. Thus, the increasing sulfur content and temperature influenced the smoothness of the material morphology and increased the thin film's crystallinity by reducing voids and cracks.…”
Section: Casns3 Chalcogenide Perovskite Photoabsorbermentioning
confidence: 99%
“…compositions [2]. The perovskite compounds are formed from various inorganic and organic materials [6]. Besides, because of its multiple compositions and structures, they can offer a standard and enormous material-design platform, such as ABX 3 (3D structure and three independent atomic sites), A 2 [A n−1 B n X 3n+1 ] (2D Ruddlesden-Popper (R.P.)…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…5 Nevertheless, these chloride DPs typically have bandgap energies of >2.5 eV, which are too large for photovoltaic applications. 6 In this work, we focus on the double perovskite Cs 2 AgBiBr 6 , with an indirect bandgap of 1.95 eV, which is closer to a useful value in applications as a wide-bandgap absorber in tandem devices. 4 Indeed, its performance in solar cells has been studied in the literature, but the maximum reported power conversion efficiency (PCE) is only 2.84% with a maximum photocurrent on the order of 5 mA cm −2 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Cs 2 NaInCl 6 , Cs 2 KInCl 6 , Cs 2 AgInCl 6 , Cs 2 AgSbCl 6 , and Cs 2 NaBiCl 6 are just a few examples of reported stable DPs . Nevertheless, these chloride DPs typically have bandgap energies of >2.5 eV, which are too large for photovoltaic applications . In this work, we focus on the double perovskite Cs 2 AgBiBr 6 , with an indirect bandgap of 1.95 eV, which is closer to a useful value in applications as a wide-bandgap absorber in tandem devices .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Nowadays, perovskite-based solar cells (PSCs) are trending worldwide and inspiring research communities all across the globe. They have appreciable properties like low fabrication cost, high photoconversion efficiency, wide tunable band gap, high absorption coefficient, long charge carrier diffusion length, high charge carrier mobility, high open-circuit voltage, etc . The perovskite structure has the stoichiometry ABX 3 , where A is the organic or inorganic ligand, B is the metal cation, and X is the halogen element.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%