Diagnosis. Face, postpronotal lobe and wing base each with distinctly milky white spots (absent in Amiota minor Malloch from the Nearctic; Máca, 2003); clypeus dark brown to black; aedeagal apodeme broad, dorso-ventrally Eur. J. Entomol. 103: 483-495, 2006 ISSN 1210 The genus Amiota (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China Abstract. A total of 39 Amiota species are found from the southern portion of Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China, including 12 new species: A. gaoi sp. n., A. gracilenta sp. n., A. multispinata sp. n., A. yifengi sp. n., A. angustifolia sp. n., A. bacillia sp. n., A. biacuta sp. n., A. cultella sp. n., A. deltoidea sp. n., A. pianmensis sp. n., A. setosa sp. n. and A. bifoliolata sp. n. A key to all the studied species from Hengduan Mountains is provided.
483* Corresponding author; e-mail: hongweic@scau.edu.cn flattened; a few anterior sensilla of medial cibarials short, somewhat peg-like (Chen & Toda, 2001).For detailed description see Chen & Toda (2001) and Chen et al. (2004Chen et al. ( , 2005.
Amiota basdeni species-groupAmiota (Amiota) basdeni species-group, Chen & Toda, 2001: 1531 Chen et al., 2004: 61; Chen et al., 2005: 275. Diagnosis. Surstylus with one to five aristate processes on mesal surface (Figs 1, 5, 10, 15); vertical lobe of gonopod with two sclerotized, basally fused M-shaped processes (Figs 6, 11).Included species. A. angulisternita Chen & Liu, 2004; A. aristata Chen & Toda, 2001; A. basdeni Fonseca, 1965; A. brevipartita Chen & Gao, 2005; A. clavata Okada, 1971; A. curvispina Chen & Gao, 2005; A. curvistyla Okada, 1971; A. elongata Okada, 1971; A. flagellata Okada, 1971; A. huae Chen & Gao, 2005; A. kitamurai Chen & Liu, 2004; A. lipingae Chen & Gao, 2005; A. longispinata Chen & Gao, 2005; A. macai Chen & Toda, 2001; A. onchopyga Nishiharu, 1979; A. palpifera Okada, 1971; A. gaoi sp. n.; A. gracilenta sp. n.; A. multispinata sp. n.; A. yifengi sp. n.
Amiota angulisternita Chen & Liu, 2004Amiota (
Amiota brevipartita Chen & Gao, 2005Amiota ( Amiota gaoi sp. n. (Figs 1-4) Diagnosis. Paramere thick, finely serrated on apical margin ( Figs 2, 3); basiphallus basally thick, distally slender, medioventrally with one small, triangular projection (Figs 2, 3).Description. Male: Hindleg femur and tibia lacking longer setae.Abdomen: Lateral margin of sixth tergite slightly narrower than dorsomedian part.Male terminalia: Epandrium constricted more than onehalf width mid-dorsally, with about 16 setae near posterior to ventral margins (Fig. 1). Surstylus pubescent medially, with three aristate processes basally fused to each other and forming palm-like lobe on mesal surface, one finger-like process at postero-ventral corner, about seven long prensisetae on distal margin (Fig. 1). Anterior portion of hypandrium slightly broadened at middle. Parameres basally slightly fused to each other, each submedially with four sensilla. Basiphallus divided into a pair of processes as long as paramere, curved, slightly
484Figs 1-4. Amiota gaoi sp. n. %: 1...