As far as the authors know, no research has already been carried out on the multi-floor dynamic facility layout problem (MF-DFLP) in the continuous form regarding the flexible bay structure, the number and the variable location of the elevator. Therefore, the present paper models the given problem and attempts to find a sub-optimal solution for it using a meta-heuristic simulated annealing (SA) algorithm.
The efficient use of resources has always been a prominent matter for decision-makers. Many reasons including land use, construction considerations and proximity of departments have led to the design of multi-floor facilities. On the other hand, their fast-evolving environment calls for dynamic planning. Therefore, in this paper, a model and the SA algorithm for MF-DFLP are presented.
After presenting a mathematical model, the problem was solved precisely in a small size using the GAMS software. Also, a near-optimal solution method using a SA meta-heuristic algorithm is suggested and the proposed algorithm was run in the MATLAB software. To evaluate the presented model and the proposed solution, some test cases were considered in two aspects. The first aspect was the test cases that are newly generated in small, medium and large sizes to compare the exact optimal solution with the results of the meta-heuristic algorithm. Eight test cases with small sizes were solved using the GAMS software, the optimum solutions were obtained in a reasonable time, and the cost of their solutions was equal to that of the SA algorithm. Eight test cases with medium sizes were run in the GAMS software with the time limit of 80,000 s, and the SA algorithm had performed better for these test cases. Two test cases were also considered in large size that GAMS could not solve them, whereas the SA algorithm successfully found a proper solution for each. The second aspect included the test cases from the literature. The result showed that suggested algorithm is more capable of finding best solutions than compared algorithms.
In this paper, an unequal area MF-DFLP was studied in a continuous layout form in which the location and number of the elevators were considered to be variable, and the layouts were considered with flexible bay structure. These conditions were investigated for the first time.