Cardiac imaging with positron-emission tomography (PET) affords non-invasive measurements of myocardial blood flow (MBF) and myocardial perfusion reserve (MPR), improving traditional nuclear medicine in diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). 1-3 These measurements can be obtained in few minutes with appropriate software packages by applying tracer kinetic modeling to dynamic PET images. Any numerical value that we receive from dynamic cardiac PET results from this transformation. It should be considered that several technical aspects can affect MBF and MPR measurements, including physical and biochemical properties of different tracers and specific features of PET instrumentations. 4-6 For clinic applications, 82 Rubidium (82 Rb) is the most widely used tracer, considering that it is generator-produced and it does not require a cyclotron in site. Several software tools for absolute quantification of dynamic PET with 82 Rb have been developed and a comparison between those commercially available software programs have been already performed. 7-9 In particular, Nesterov et al 7 compared 8 tools on the same set of data and they found that different software provided similar results when the same kinetic model was applied. However, it should be also taken into account that quantitative analysis of cardiac PET imaging is a challenging process and kinetic model is the latest in a