Fuzz testing is the process of testing programs by continually producing unique inputs in order to detect and identify security flaws. It is often used in vulnerability mining. The most prevalent fuzzing approach is grey-box fuzzing, which combines lightweight code instrumentation with data-feedback-driven generation of fresh program input seeds. AFL (American Fuzzy Lop) is an outstanding grey-box fuzzing tool that is well known for its quick fork server execution, dependable genetic algorithm, and numerous mutation techniques. AFLGO proposes and executes power scheduling based on a simulated annealing process for a more appropriate energy allocation to seeds, however it is neither reliable nor successful. To tackle this issue, we offer an energy-dynamic scheduling strategy based on the algorithm of the fruit fly. Adjusting the energy of the seeds dynamically controls the production of test cases. The findings demonstrate that the approach suggested in this research can test the target region more rapidly and thoroughly and has a high application value for patch testing and vulnerability replication.