A register is basically known as a storage device for units in circuits. In data processing systems, they are used to immediately transfer data by using CPU. In digital electronics, shift registers are known as the sequential logic circuits that are used to store data temporally and transfer the data to its output for each and every clock pulse. Shift registers are found as digital memory unit storage in such devices as calculators, computers, etc. Based on shifting data, shift registers are classified in two types: universal shift register and bidirectional shift register. This chapter dealt with design and implementation of 8-bit universal shift register with CG scheme for minimizing power. Circuit operation is performed by Xilinx-14.7 software tool and simulated with I-SIM simulator tool using VHDL language. XPE tool is used to optimize power in the circuit. Results improved the power consumption in circuit by 40.65%. Also 4.76% of area was increased due to adding external circuitry and delay was reduced by 12.93% in the proposed design.